About BA-Admin

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So far BA-Admin has created 46 blog entries.

Kilt Walk

2022-04-30T17:04:00+01:00April 30th, 2022|News|

We are looking for more people to sign up as part of the Books Abroad Team to the Kiltwalk in Aberdeen or the other ones in Dundee and Edinburgh. Any one wishing to join can sign up on behalf of Books Abroad - contact the office on info@booksabroad.org.uk or telephone 01464 861446 for more details.We are also looking for anyone to sponsor a member of our

Kenya Shipment arrival

2022-02-23T13:25:03+00:00February 23rd, 2022|News|

The Kenya Shipment that we told you about previously has safely arrived at its initial destination of St Paul's University from where the books will be distributed to various schools and colleges. Irene Muthoni Kibandi said: 'The students and faculty members are excited  and look forward to using the books once processed. Thank you so much and best wishes in this service you are giving to

Kenya Shipment being prepared

2021-10-10T18:28:31+01:00October 10th, 2021|News|

It has been a busy time at Books Abroad recently when for the first time we have filled a 40ft container. It contains some 36 pallets with 1044 boxes holding about 100,000 books. These are all bound for Kenya and we will update you on their progress.

London Marathon Fundraising

2021-10-08T12:21:05+01:00October 8th, 2021|News|

Congratulations to Megan Fraser Bell who, on Sunday 3rd October, completed the London Marathon and in doing so raised funds for Books Abroad. We are very grateful for her efforts and the money raised.

London Marathon Fundraising this Sunday

2021-09-27T17:27:18+01:00September 27th, 2021|News|

Just a reminder that Megan Fraser-Bell will be running the London Marathon to raise funds for Books Abroad this Sunday the 3rd of October. Megan says 'as a total book lover myself, I appreciate the importance of books not only for pleasure but for education especially in developing countries where books are a scarce resource.' We are very grateful to Megan for doing this fundraising and

Thomas Mills High School Donation

2021-08-01T18:07:10+01:00August 1st, 2021|News|

Thomas Mills High School in Suffolk has collected an amazing total of three pallets of books for Books Abroad.  We are very grateful to the school staff and pupils and also the parents who all contributed to this wonderful total. A special thank you to Becky who organised this. Becky had previously taught for a long time in Kenya so was very aware of the need

London Marathon Fundraising

2021-08-01T18:07:44+01:00August 1st, 2021|News|

Megan Fraser Bell will be running the London Marathon to raise funds for Books Abroad. We are very grateful to Megan for doing this and wish her all the best in the event. The Marathon takes place on the 3rd October 2021 and if you wish to support Megan you can do so at: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/MeganFraserBell

New Fundraising Challenge

2021-07-26T11:26:22+01:00July 26th, 2021|News|

Currently, we have a separate fundraising challenge in place to transport books to Kenya. Books Abroad have been changing the world – one book at a time, one child at a time – for almost 40 years. Now, we have the opportunity to step up to the challenge of supporting theological education in East Africa. The Very Reverend Professor Sir Robin Barbour (1921-2014) was one of

Zimbabwe Delivery Report

2021-06-03T15:05:28+01:00June 3rd, 2021|News|

It  is always heartening for everyone at Books Abroad to see how much their efforts are appreciated so it is good to see comments like this: On behalf of the children and teachers of Zimbabwe, college students, university students and parents who were impacted by this project, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the Books Abroad team of volunteers who risked their health during the

Book Drop – Laurencekirk

2021-05-24T16:52:31+01:00May 24th, 2021|News|

The Second Treehouse on the Left of Laurencekirk has kindly offered to organise a book drop to collect books for Books Abroad during the month of June. The Second Treehouse on the Left can be found at 23 High Street, Laurencekirk. (www.secondtreehouseontheleft.com)

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