Waterberry Project, Zambia

Tukongote Community School, Waterberry Zambezi Lodge, Zambia

Books Abroad volunteer Amanda was holidaying in a wildlife lodge in Zambia when she came across local Zambian children with no sources of education or entertainment, including toys or books.

Returning home, Amanda set about raising money to send toys and items to the children.  To support her efforts, Books Abroad financed a shipment of books to Zambia, with 28 packages sent in total to support the education of children in the area.

“Thank you for the amazing books that you sent us.  I have had lots of fun going through the boxes…it takes longer than expected because I have to keep stopping to read lots of them!!!  …I think that books are SO SO important and even if the children can’t read the words they benefit from looking at the pictures and discussing amongst themselves”.

Kelly, Waterberry Lodge

Project Details




Books Abroad SCIO


28 packages (517kg)

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